Apologetic positions Apologetics

1 apologetic positions

1.1 bahá í
1.2 buddhism
1.3 christianity

1.3.1 mormonism

1.4 deism
1.5 hinduism
1.6 islam
1.7 judaism
1.8 pantheism
1.9 native americans

apologetic positions
bahá í

many apologetic books have been written in defence of history or teachings of bahá í faith. religion s founders wrote several books presenting proofs of religion, among them báb s 7 proofs , bahá u lláh s kitáb-i-Íqán. later bahá í authors wrote prominent apologetic texts, such mírzá abu l-fadl s brilliant proof , udo schaefer et al. s making crooked straight;.


one of earliest buddhist apologetic texts questions of king milinda, deals buddhist metaphysics such `no-self nature of individual , characteristics such of wisdom, perception, volition, feeling, consciousness , soul. in mid-19th century, encounters between buddhists , christians in japan prompted formation of buddhist propagation society. in recent times, a. l. de silva, australian convert buddhism, has written book, beyond belief, providing buddhist apologetic responses , critique of christian fundamentalist doctrine. gunapala dharmasiri wrote apologetic critique of christian concept of god theravadan buddhist perspective.


the scutum fidei, diagram used christian apologists explain trinity.

christian apologetics combines christian theology, natural theology, , philosophy present rational basis christian faith, defend faith against objections , misrepresentation.

christian apologetics has taken many forms on centuries. in roman empire, christians severely persecuted, , many charges brought against them. j. david cassel gives several examples: tacitus wrote nero fabricated charges christians started burning of rome. other charges included cannibalism (due literal interpretation of eucharist) , incest (due christians practice of addressing each other brother , sister ). saul of tarsus, justin martyr, irenaeus , others defended christianity against charges brought justify persecution.

later apologists have focused on providing reasons accept various aspects of christian belief. christian apologists of many traditions, in common jews, muslims, , others, argue existence of unique , personal god. theodicy 1 important aspect of such arguments, , alvin plantinga s arguments have been highly influential in area. many prominent christian apologists scholarly philosophers or theologians, additional doctoral work in physics, cosmology, comparative religions, or other fields. others take more popular or pastoral approach. prominent modern apologists douglas groothuis, frederick copleston, john lennox, walter r. martin, dinesh d souza, douglas wilson, cornelius van til, gordon clark, francis schaeffer, greg bahnsen, edward john carnell, james white, hank hanegraaff, ravi zacharias, alister mcgrath, lee strobel, josh mcdowell, peter kreeft, g. k. chesterton, c. s. lewis, william lane craig, j. p. moreland, hugh ross, david bentley hart, gary habermas, norman geisler , scott hahn.

notable apologists within catholic church include bishop robert barron, g. k. chesterton, dr. scott hahn, patrick madrid, kenneth hensley, karl keating, ronald knox, peter kreeft, , gus loyd.

john henry newman (february 21, 1801 – august 11, 1890) english convert roman catholicism, later made cardinal, , beatified in 2010. in life major figure in oxford movement bring church of england catholic roots. studies in history persuaded him become roman catholic. when john henry newman entitled spiritual autobiography apologia pro vita sua in 1864, playing upon both connotation, , more commonly understood meaning of expression of contrition or regret.

christian apologists employ variety of philosophical , formal approaches, including ontological, cosmological, , teleological arguments. christian presuppositionalist approach apologetics utilizes transcendental argument existence of god.

tertullian notable christian apologist. born, lived , died in carthage. known father of latin church . introduced term trinity (latin trinitas) christian vocabulary , formula 3 persons, 1 substance latin tres personae, una substantia (itself koine greek treis hypostaseis, homoousios ), , terms vetus testamentum (old testament) , novum testamentum (new testament).


there notable latter-day saint apologists focus on defense of mormonism, including church leaders such parley p. pratt, john taylor, b. h. roberts, james e. talmage , more modern figures such hugh nibley, orson scott card, , jeff lindsay.

several well-known mormon apologetic organizations, such foundation ancient research , mormon studies (a group of scholars @ brigham young university) , fairmormon (an independent, mormon-run, not-for-profit group), have been formed defend doctrines , history of latter day saint movement in general , church of jesus christ of latter-day saints in particular.


deism form of theism in god created universe , established rationally comprehensible moral , natural laws no longer intervenes in human affairs. deism natural religion belief in god based on application of reason , evidence observed in designs , laws found in nature. world order of deists maintains web site presenting deist apologetics demonstrate existence of god based on evidence , reason, absent divine revelation.


hindu apologetics began developing during british colonial period. number of indian intellectuals had become critical of british tendency devalue hindu religious tradition. result, these indian intellectuals, handful of british indologists, galvanized examine roots of religion study vast arcana , corpus in analytical fashion. endeavor drove deciphering , preservation of sanskrit. many translations of hindu texts produced made them accessible broader reading audience.

a range of indian philosophers, including swami vivekananda , aurobindo ghose, have written rational explanations regarding values of hindu religious tradition. more modern proponents such maharishi mahesh yogi have tried correlate recent developments quantum physics , consciousness research hindu concepts. late reverend pandurang shastri athavale has given plethora of discourses regarding symbolism , rational basis many principles in vedic tradition. in book cradle of civilization, david frawley, american has embraced vedic tradition, has characterized ancient texts of hindu heritage being pyramids of spirit . a. c. bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada translated on sixty volumes of classic vedic scriptures including biography , conclusions of famous 16th century bhakti scholar sri chaitanya mahaprabhu; many of these translations , commentaries have been further translated many eighty languages, producing on half billion books distributed throughout world. such individuals have tried construct intellectual defense of hinduism during phase when fundamentalistic elements of other faiths have sought denigrate ancient religion in effort gain converts.


ilm al-kalām, literally science of discourse , foreshortened kalam , called islamic scholastic theology , islamic undertaking born out of need establish , defend tenets of islamic faith against doubters , detractors. scholar of kalam referred mutakallim (plural mutakallimūn) distinguished philosophers, jurists, , scientists.


jewish apologetic literature can traced far aristobulus of paneas, though discern in works of demetrius chronographer (3rd century bce) traces of style of questions , solutions typical of genre. aristobulus jewish philosopher of alexandria , author of apologetic work addressed ptolemy vi philometor. josephus s contra apion wide-ranging defense of judaism against many charges laid against judaism @ time, of works of philo of alexandria.

in response modern christian missionaries, , congregations designed appear jewish, fundamentalist christian churches, use traditional jewish symbols lure vulnerable of our jewish people ranks , jews judaism largest counter-missionary organization in existence, today. kiruv organisation, founded rabbi yosef mizrachi, , outreach judaism, founded rabbi tovia singer, other prominent international organizations respond directly issues raised missionaries , cults, exploring judaism in contradistinction fundamentalist christianity.


some pantheists have formed organizations such world pantheist movement , universal pantheist society promote , defend belief in pantheism.

native americans

in famous speech called red jacket on religion white man , red in 1805, seneca chief red jacket gave apologetic native american religion.


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