Storm names 2005 Atlantic hurricane season

the following list of names used tropical storms , hurricanes formed in north atlantic in 2005.

this same list used 1999 season, exceptions of franklin , lee, replaced floyd , lenny. names not retired list used again in 2011 atlantic hurricane season. storms named franklin, lee, maria, nate, ophelia, philippe, rita, stan, tammy, vince, wilma, beta, gamma, epsilon, , zeta first (and only, in cases of rita, stan, , wilma) time in 2005 (the names alpha , delta had been used in 1972 2 subtropical storms, first time have been used in way). season used fifteen unused names, ever in atlantic season. additionally, subtropical storm formed in october not recognized such @ time , did not receive name. vince , wilma first named v , w storms ever in atlantic basin. in spring of 2006, world meteorological organization retired 5 hurricane names: dennis, katrina, rita, stan, , wilma. replacements in 2011 season don, katia, rina, sean, , whitney, respectively. decided not practical retire hurricane history letter in greek alphabet.

this surpassed previous record number of hurricane names retired after single season, 4 (held 1955, 1995, , 2004 seasons).


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