Further reading African-American history

1 further reading

1.1 reference books
1.2 surveys
1.3 since 1940
1.4 activism , urban culture
1.5 historiography , teaching
1.6 primary sources

further reading

reference books

earle, jonathan, , malcolm swanston. routledge atlas of african american history (2000) excerpt , text search
finkelman, paul, ed. encyclopedia of african american history, 1619–1895: colonial period age of frederick douglass (3 vol 2006)
finkelman, paul, ed. encyclopedia of african american history, 1896 present: age of segregation twenty-first century (5 vol 2009) excerpt , text search
hine, darlene clark, rosalyn terborg-penn , elsa barkley brown, eds. black women in america - historical encyclopedia (2005) excerpt , text search
lowery, charles d. , john f. marszalek, eds. encyclopedia of african-american civil rights: emancipation present (1992) online edition
palmer, colin a. ed. encyclopedia of african american culture , history: black experience in americas (6 vols, 2005)
richardson, christopher m.; ralph e. luker, eds. (2014). historical dictionary of civil rights movement (2nd ed.). rowman & littlefield. 
salzman, jack, david lionel smith, , cornel west, eds. encyclopedia of african-american culture , history. (5 vol. 1996).
smallwood, arwin d atlas of african-american history , politics: slave trade modern times (1997)


franklin, john hope, , alfred moss, slavery freedom. history of african americans, (2001), standard textbook; first edition in 1947 excerpt , text search
harris, william h. harder run: black workers since civil war. (1982). online edition
hine, darlene clark, rosalyn terborg-penn , elsa barkley brown, eds. black * hine, darlene clark, et al. african-american odyssey (2 vol, 4th ed. 2007) textbook excerpt , text search vol 1
holt, thomas c. ed. major problems in african-american history: freedom freedom now, 1865–1990s (2000) reader in primary , secondary sources
holt, thomas c. children of fire: history of african americans (hill & wang; 2010), 438 pages
kelley, robin d. g., , earl lewis, eds. make our world anew: history of african americans (2000). 672pp; 10 long essays leading scholars online edition
litwack, leon, , august meier. black leaders of 19th century. (1988)

franklin, john hope, , august meier, eds. black leaders of twentieth century. (1982), short biographies scholars.

mandle, jay r. not slave, not free: african american economic experience since civil war (1992) online edition
painter, nell irvin. creating black americans: african american history , meanings, 1619 present (2006), 480 pp
pinn, anthony b. african american religious experience in america (2007) excerpt , text search
tuck, stephen. ain t ought be: black freedom struggle emancipation obama (2011).
weiner, mark s. black trials: citizenship beginnings of slavery end of caste (2004)

since 1940

graham, hugh davis. civil rights era: origins , development of national policy, 1960–1972 (1990)
patterson, james t. grand expectations: united states, 1945–1974 (oxford history of united states) (1997)
patterson, james t. restless giant: united states watergate bush v. gore (oxford history of united states) (2007)
wynn, neil a. african american experience during world war ii (2011)

activism , urban culture

bernstein, shana. bridges of reform: interracial civil rights activism in twentieth-century los angeles (oxford university press, 2010)
black jr., timuel d. bridges of memory; chicago s first wave of black migration: oral history, (2005). isbn 0-8101-2315-0
boyd, herb, ed. harlem reader: celebration of new york s famous neighborhood, renaissance years 21st century (2003), primary sources
branch, taylor. parting waters: america in king years, 1954–1963 (1988); pillar of fire: america in king years, 1963–1965 (1998); @ canaan s edge: america in king years, 1965–1968 (2006).
carle, susan d. defining struggle: national racial justice organizing, 1880-1915 (oxford university press, 2013)
cash, floris loretta barnett. african american women , social action: clubwomen , volunteerism jim crow new deal, 1896-1936 (praeger, 2001)
garrow, david. bearing cross: martin luther king, jr., , southern christian leadership conference (1999).
gasman, marybeth , roger l. geiger. higher education african americans before civil rights era, 1900-1964 (2012)
grossman, james r. land of hope: chicago, black southerners, , great migration (1991)
hornsby, alton. black power in dixie: political history of african americans in atlanta (2009)
hunt, darnell, , ana-christina ramon, eds. black los angeles: american dreams , racial realities (2010)
kusmer, kenneth l. , joe w. trotter, eds. african-american urban history since world war ii, (2009)
moore, shirley ann wilson. place our deeds: african american community in richmond, california, 1910–1963 (2000)
osofsky, gilbert. harlem: making of ghetto: negro new york, 1890–1930 (1966)
orser, w. edward. secondhand suburbs: black pioneers in baltimore s edmondson village, 1955–1980. journal of urban history 10, no. 3 (may 1990): 227–62.
pattillo-mccoy, mary. black pickett fences: privilege , peril among black middle class (1999).
player, tiffany angel. anti-lynching crusaders: study of black women s activism (phd dissertation, university of georgia, 2008) online
rabaka, reiland. hip hop s amnesia: blues , black women s club movement rap , hip hop movement (lexington books, 2012)
self, robert o. american babylon: race , struggle postwar oakland (2003)
spear, allan h. black chicago: making of negro ghetto, 1890–1920 (1969)
sugrue, thomas j. origins of urban crisis: race , inequality in postwar detroit (1996)
thomas, richard walter. life make it: building black community in detroit, 1915–1945 (1992)
washburn, patrick s. african american newspaper: voice of freedom (northwestern university press, 2006)
wiese, andrew. places of own: african american suburbanization in twentieth century (2004).
wiese, andrew. black housing, white finance: african american housing , home ownership in evanston, illinois, before 1940. journal of social history 33, no. 2 (winter 1999): 429–60.
wiese, andrew. places of our own: suburban black towns before 1960. journal of urban history 19, no. 3 (1993): 30–54.
williams, doretha. kansas grows best wheat , best race women: black women s club movement in kansas 1900-30. (2011) online.
wilson, william h. hamilton park: planned black community in dallas (1998)

historiography , teaching

arnesen, eric. exclusion: black , white workers, race, , state of labor history, reviews in american history 26(1) march 1998, pp. 146–174 in project muse
dagbovie, pero gaglo. african american history reconsidered (2010); 255 pages; excerpt , text search

dagbovie, pero. black history movement, carter g. woodson, , lorenzo johnston greene (2007) excerpt , text search
dagbovie, pero gaglo. exploring century of historical scholarship on booker t. washington. journal of african american history 2007 92(2): 239–264. issn 1548-1867 fulltext: ebsco

dorsey, allison. black history american history: teaching african american history in twenty-first century. journal of american history 2007 93(4): 1171–1177. issn 0021-8723 fulltext: history cooperative
ernest, john. liberation historiography: african-american historians before civil war, american literary history 14(3), fall 2002, pp. 413–443 in project muse
eyerman, ron. cultural trauma: slavery , formation of african american identity (2002) argues slavery emerged central element of collective identity of african americans in post-reconstruction era.
fields, barbara j. ideology , race in american history, in j. morgan kousser , james m. mcpherson, eds, region, race, , reconstruction: essays in honor of c. vann woodward (1982),
franklin, john hope. afro-american history: state of art, journal of american history (june 1988): 163–173. in jstor
goggin, jacqueline. carter g. woodson: life in black history (1993)
hall, stephen gilroy. give faithful account of race : history , historical consciousness in african-american community, 1827–1915. phd disseratation, ohio state u. 1999. 470 pp. dai 2000 60(8): 3084-a. da9941339 fulltext: proquest dissertations & theses
harris, robert l (1982). coming of age: transformation of afro-american historiography (pdf). journal of negro history. 57: 107–121. jstor 2717569. 
harris, robert l., jr. flowering of afro-american history. american historical review 1987 92(5): 1150–1161. issn 0002-8762 in jstor
higginbotham, evelyn brooks (1992). african-american women s history , metalanguage of race . signs: journal of women in culture , society. 17: 251–274. doi:10.1086/494730. 
hine, darlene clark (2007). african american women , communities in twentieth century: foundation , future of black women s studies . black women, gender & families. 1 (1): 1–23. jstor 10.5406/blacwomegendfami.1.1.0001. 
hine, darlene clark, ed. afro-american history: past, present, , future (1980).
hine, darlene clark. hine sight: black women , re-construction of american history (1999) excerpt , text search
hornsby jr., alton, et al. eds. companion african american history. (2005). 580 pp. 31 long essays experts covering african , diasporic connections in context of transatlantic slave trade; colonial , antebellum african, european, , indigenous relations; processes of cultural exchange; war , emancipation; post-emancipation community , institution building; intersections of class , gender; migration; , struggles civil rights. isbn 0-631-23066-1
mcmillen, neil r. jim crow: black history enters profession s mainstream. reviews in american history 1987 15(4): 543–549. issn 0048-7511 in jstor
meier, august, , elliott rudwick. black history , historical profession, 1915–1980 (1986)
nelson, hasker. listening our past: lay guide african american oral history interviewing (2000) excerpt , text search
quarles, benjamin. black mosaic: essays in afro-american history , historiography (1988).
rabinowitz, howard n. more woodward thesis: assessing strange career of jim crow , journal of american history 75 (december 1988): 842–56. in jstor
reidy, joseph p. slave emancipation through prism of archives records (1997) online
roper, john herbert. u. b. phillips: southern mind (1984), on white historian of slavery
strickland, arvarh e., , robert e. weems, eds. african american experience: historiographical , bibliographical guide (greenwood, 2001). 442pp; 17 topical chapters experts.
trotter, joe w. african-american history: origins, development, , current state of field, oah magazine of history 7(4) summer 1993 online edition
wright, william d. black history , black identity: call new historiography (2002), proposes new racial , ethnic terminology , classifications study of black people , history. excerpt , text search

primary sources

aptheker, herbert, ed. documentary history of negro people in united states. (7 vols, 1951–1994)
baker, ray stannard. following color line: account of negro citizenship in american democracy (1908) online.
berlin, ira, ed. free @ last: documentary history of slavery, freedom, , civil war (1995)
bracey, john h., , manisha sinha, eds. african american mosaic: documentary history slave trade twenty-first century, (2 vol 2004)
chafe, william henry, raymond gavins, , robert korstad, eds. remembering jim crow: african americans tell life in segregated south (2003) excerpt , text search
finkenbine, roy e. sources of african-american past: primary sources in american history (2nd edn 2003)
hampton, henry, , steve fayer, eds. voices of freedom (1990), oral histories of civil rights movement
hart, albert bushnell (1910). southern south. d. appleton.  white harvard professor; focus on race relations
king, martin luther. have dream: writings , speeches changed world, (1992) excerpt , text search
king, martin luther. why can t wait (1963/1964; 2000)
king, martin luther. papers of martin luther king, jr.: volume vi: advocate of social gospel, september 1948–march 1963 (2007) excerpt , text search
levy, peter b. let freedom ring: documentary history of modern civil rights movement (1992) online edition
rawick, george p. ed. american slave: composite autobiography (19 vols., (1972) oral histories ex-slaves conducted in 1930s works progress administration
sernett, milton c. african american religious history: documentary witness (1999) excerpt , text search
wright, kai, ed. african-american archive: history of black experience through documents (2001)


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