Production The Invisible Man (film)

director james whale (left) , technicians on set of invisible man starring claude raines (universal, 1933)

claude rains not studio s first choice play lead role in invisible man. boris karloff supposed play part withdrew after producer carl laemmle jr. tried many times cut karloff s contractual salary. replace karloff, chester morris, paul lukas , colin clive considered part. james whale, assigned direct film replace cyril gardner, wanted claude rains play griffin – rains first choice. problems in developing script held project time; in june 1932 film called off temporarily.

the invisible man in production june august 1933 @ universal studios. filming interrupted near end fire, started smudge pot kicked hay, damaged exterior set.

the film released on november 13, 1933 , marketed taglines catch me if can! , h.g. wells fantastic sensation .

differences novel

although basic framework of story , characters names largely same in novel, there several great differences. novel takes place in 1890s, while film takes place in 1933. in novel, griffin (the invisible man) remains totally mysterious person, no fiancee or friends; in film engaged beautiful woman , has support of father , associate. in novel, griffin insane before makes himself invisible , entirely motivated lust power. in film, griffin driven mad drug makes him invisible. dr. kemp survives in novel; life saved kill griffin. in film, dr. kemp terrified throughout, , pays life betraying griffin.

special effects

the film known clever , groundbreaking visual effects john p. fulton, john j. mescall , frank d. williams, work credited success of film. when invisible man had no clothes on, effect achieved through use of wires, when had of clothes on or taking clothes off, effect achieved shooting claude rains in black velvet suit against black velvet background , combining shot shot of location scene took place in using matte process. claude rains claustrophobic , hard breathe through suit. consequently, work difficult him, , double, shorter rains, used.

the effect of rains seeming disappear created making head , body cast of actor, mask made. mask photographed against specially prepared background, , film treated in laboratory complete effect.


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