Harlem Renaissance African-American culture

zora neale hurston prominent literary figure during harlem renaissance

the first major public recognition of african-american culture occurred during harlem renaissance pioneered alain locke. in 1920s , 1930s, african-american music, literature, , art gained wide notice. authors such zora neale hurston , nella larsen , poets such langston hughes, claude mckay, , countee cullen wrote works describing african-american experience. jazz, swing, blues , other musical forms entered american popular music. african-american artists such william h. johnson , palmer hayden created unique works of art featuring african americans.

the harlem renaissance time of increased political involvement african americans. among notable african-american political movements founded in 20th century united negro improvement association , national association advancement of colored people. nation of islam, notable quasi-islamic religious movement, began in 1930s.


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