Controversial incidents Morning Joe

1 controversial incidents

1.1 chris matthews messed around comments
1.2 institution of seven-second delay
1.3 stunningly superficial
1.4 beef jon stewart
1.5 clash rush limbaugh
1.6 russell brand interview
1.7 donald trump tweet controversy

controversial incidents
chris matthews messed around comments

on january 9, 2008, morning after hillary clinton s surprise victory in new hampshire democratic presidential primary, matthews appeared on show , said of clinton,

ll brutal, reason s u.s. senator, reason s candidate president, reason may front-runner husband messed around. s how got senator new york. keep forgetting it. didn t win there on merit.

the comments, reacted sexist , unfair, criticized such diverse media figures bill o reilly, joy behar, , gloria steinem. led protests outside nbc s washington, d.c. studios, joint letter of complaint nbc national organization women, feminist majority, , national women s political caucus. matthews apologized comments on january 17, 2008, edition of own msnbc program, hardball.

institution of seven-second delay

on november 10, 2008, scarborough read word fuck on air while reading story then-president-elect obama s incoming chief of staff, rahm emanuel. once realized mistake, scarborough repeatedly apologized slip of tongue, , explained had meant f word instead. next day, msnbc instituted seven-second delay morning joe.

in incident on june 29, 2011, time editor-at-large mark halperin commented president came off kind of dick during previous day s press conference. word aired uncensored, despite seven-second delay, when producer failed press button have bleeped it. halperin issued on-air apology following commercial break. white house subsequently complained msnbc halperin s remarks, , on june 30, 2011, halperin temporarily suspended appearing on msnbc slurring president. returned guest couple of weeks later.

stunningly superficial

on december 30, 2008, zbigniew brzezinski (mika s father , former national security advisor president jimmy carter) came guest discuss unfolding israel-palestine crisis. scarborough claimed yasser arafat offered wanted @ 2000 camp david summit. statement provoked zbigniew reply, know, have such stunningly superficial knowledge of went on s embarrassing listen you. subsequently, phrase stunningly superficial has become of running gag on show.

beef jon stewart

on june 3, 2009, daily show host jon stewart mocked starbucks sponsorship of program, showing several clips of morning joe cast prominently displaying , complimenting starbucks products interview starbucks ceo howard schultz. scarborough responded intent in discussing sponsorship sarcastic, , suggested stewart , 90 writers did not understand joke. on june 8, stewart feigned embarrassment on missing alleged sarcasm, claiming, @ time, thought jokey manner way of sublimating shame on discomfort feel deep in soul after extinguishing last smoldering embers of of program’s journalistic bona fides. now, realize that wasn t case! on june 9, scarborough fired back, referring stewart very, angry guy napoleonic complex. next day, stewart , correspondent john oliver again responded skit, involving stewart impersonating napoleon , oliver impersonating shorter arthur wellesley, duke of wellington. after routine, jon stewart joked hoped end of feud, since continuing becoming expensive show.

clash rush limbaugh

during obama administration, joe scarborough sought distance himself elements in republican party. criticized republicans such rush limbaugh celebrated president obama s failed bid bring 2016 olympics chicago saying republicans have gone off deep end. on october 8, 2009 edition of radio show, limbaugh fired saying scarborough doing best impression of [...] neutered chickified moderate. scarborough responded next day on morning joe, faulting limbaugh uncritical loyalty george w. bush during president s tenure in office. scarborough said limbaugh had put testicles in blind trust george w. bush 8 years.

russell brand interview

the morning joe interview actor , comedian russell brand, segment in episode aired on june 17, 2013, went viral on internet. there promote forthcoming stand-up comedy tour messiah complex . after 3 interviewers (host mika brzezinski , contributors katty kay , brian shactman) repeatedly intercut interview personal observations of guest — bantering among whether re able understand accent, referring him in third person, , calling him willy — brand protested @ being talked if wasn t present , (as if was) extraterrestrial before taking interview on scathing commentary on perceived lack of professionalism , manners demonstrated interviewers. appeared confuse them direct, plain-speaking rebuke. in final apparent attempt offer olive branch of humor show s host mika brzezinski, brand quipped woman shaft grasper after appeared nervously stroke water bottle.

donald trump tweet controversy

in late june 2017, row erupted between hosts of morning joe , president donald trump. on morning of june 29, president posted series of tweets mocking joe scarborough , mika brzezinski, comments latter condemned misogynistic. hosts responded op-ed in washington post, in described white house officials warning them of negative article published in national enquirer if refused apologize coverage of trump. although initial tweets received negative responses both republican politicians , political commentators including speaker of house paul ryan, trump retaliated on july 1 tweet describing scarborough crazy , brzezinski dumb rock.


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