Kieft's War and the Remonstrance of New Netherland New Netherland

willem kieft director new netherland 1638 until 1647. colony had grown before arrival did not flourish, , kieft under pressure cut costs. @ time, large number of indian tribes had signed mutual defense treaties dutch gathering near colony due widespread warfare , dislocation among tribes north. @ first, suggested collecting tribute indians, common among various dominant tribes, demands ignored tappan , wecquaesgeek. subsequently, colonist murdered in act of revenge killings had taken place years earlier , indians refused turn on perpetrator. kieft suggested taught lesson ransacking villages. in attempt gain public support, created citizens commission council of twelve men.

they did not rubber-stamp ideas, had expected them to, took opportunity mention grievances had company s mismanagement , unresponsiveness suggestions. kieft thanked , disbanded them and, against advice, ordered groups of tappan , wecquaesgeekbe attacked @ pavonia , corlear s hook, though had sought refuge more powerful mahican enemies per treaty understandings dutch. massacre left 130 dead. within days, surrounding tribes united , rampaged countryside, in unique move, forcing settlers escaped find safety @ fort amsterdam. 2 years, series of raids , reprisals raged across province, until 1645 when kieft s war ended treaty, in large part brokered hackensack sagamore oratam.

the colonists disenchanted previous governor, ignorance of indigenous peoples, , unresponsiveness of wic rights , requests, , submitted remonstrance of new netherland states general. document written leiden-educated new netherland lawyer adriaen van der donck, condemning voc mismanagement , demanding full rights citizens of province of netherlands.


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