Myomectomy Uterine fibroid
submucosal fibroid in hysteroscopy
treatment of intramural fibroid laparoscopic surgery
after treatment of intramural fibroid laparoscopic surgery
myomectomy surgery remove 1 or more fibroids. recommended when more conservative treatment options fail women want fertility preserving surgery or want retain uterus.
there 3 types of myomectomy:
in hysteroscopic myomectomy (also called transcervical resection), fibroid can removed either use of resectoscope, endoscopic instrument inserted through vagina , cervix can use high-frequency electrical energy cut tissue, or similar device.
a laparoscopic myomectomy done through small incision near navel. physician uses laparoscope , surgical instruments remove fibroids. studies have suggested laparoscopic myomectomy leads lower morbidity rates , faster recovery laparotomic myomectomy.
a laparotomic myomectomy (also known open or abdominal myomectomy) invasive surgical procedure remove fibroids. physician makes incision in abdominal wall , removes fibroids uterus.
laparoscopic myomectomy has less pain , shorter time in hospital open surgery.
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