Example 3: Indium tin oxide on Glass Substrate .28ITO.2FGlass-Sub.29 Refractive index and extinction coefficient of thin film materials

indium tin oxide (ito) conducting material unusual property transparent, used in flat panel display industry. reflectance , transmittance measurements of uncoated glass substrate needed in order determine unknown n(λ) , k(λ) spectra of glass. reflectance , transmittance of ito deposited on same glass substrate measured simultaneously, , analyzed using forouhi-bloomer equations.

as expected, k(λ) spectrum of ito 0 in visible wavelength range, since ito transparent. behavior of k(λ) spectrum of ito in near-infrared (nir) , infrared (ir) wavelength ranges resembles of metal: non-zero in nir range of 750-1000 nm (difficult discern in graphics since values small) , reaching maximum value in ir range (λ>1000 nm). average k value of ito film in nir , ir range 0.05.


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