Judiciary professions Judiciary of Portugal

1 judiciary professions

1.1 judges
1.2 public ministry magistrates
1.3 barristers , solicitors
1.4 officers of justice

judiciary professions

the judges independent magistrates judge accordingly portuguese constitution , law.

there 2 separate bodies of career judges, part of civil service. first 1 judicial magistrates corps, formed judges serve in judicial courts. superior body of corps higher council of magistracy, presided president of supreme court of justice. other body of judges of administrative , tax jurisdiction. headed higher council of administrative , tax courts, presided president of supreme administrative court. although independent of each other, 2 bodies of career judges share many characteristics. both have same categories of judges, of conselheiro (counselor), desembargador , juíz de direito (judge of law), corresponding, respectively judges of supreme, second instance , first instance courts.

the access careers of judges implies graduation in special school of magistrates, centro de estudos judiciários (center of judiciary studies) or cej. admission cej made through civil service examination. previous conditions admission national of portugal or of portuguese speaking country, have degree in law , fulfill conditions public servant.

the judges of constitutional court , of accountants court not career judges. majority of of first court chosen assembly of republic , rest co-optation. of accountants court chosen through civil service examination.

public ministry magistrates

the attorneys of public ministry magistrates judges, constitute parallel , independent body judicial magistracy.

the career of magistrates of public ministry includes following categories: procurador-geral-adjunto (deputy attorney-general), procurador da república (attorney) , procurador-adjunto (deputy attorney).

the procurador-geral da república (attorney-general) has status of magistrate while in office, not mandatory or had been public ministry magistrate before being appointed role. regarding vice-procurador-geral da república (vice-attorney-general), or magistrate mandatory origin in public ministry career magistracy.

the public ministry represented procurador-geral da república , procuradores-gerais-adjuntos before supreme court of justice, constitutional court, supreme administrative court , accountants court. represented procuradores-gerais-adjuntos before relações , central administrative courts. before first instance courts, represented procuradores-gerais-adjuntos, procuradores da república , procuradores-adjuntos.

the access career of public ministry magistrate obeys same previous conditions access careers of judges, implying graduation in centro de estudos judiciários.

barristers , solicitors

the barristers (advogados) , solicitors (solicitadores) legal practitioners represent natural , legal persons before courts , deal other legal matters.

the legal representation barrister considered essential element in administration of justice , admissible in proceedings. can not prevented before jurisdiction, authority, or public or private entity.

both professions of barrister , solicitor statutory regulated , represented public professional associations, respectively ordem dos advogados (order of barristers) , câmara dos solicitadores (chamber of solicitors). being member of professional associations mandatory condition practice of professions of barrister or solicitor. admission professional associations implies previous graduation in law (or alternatively having solicitor s degree in case of solicitors candidates), performing internship , passing in access examinations.

officers of justice

the officers of justice constitute special class of public servants serve in secretaries of courts , of public ministry offices. roles include providing of administrative services of judiciary, execution of warrants, service of scrivener in trials , function of criminal police in inquiries.

the career of officer of justice of courts includes categories of escrivão de direito (scrivener of law), escrivão-adjunto (deputy scrivener) , escrivão auxiliar (auxiliary scrivener). regarding career of officer of justice of public ministry, includes categories of técnico de justiça principal (principal technician of justice), técnico de justiça-adjunto (deputy technician of justice) , técnico de justiça auxiliar (auxiliary technician of justice).


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