Bibliography Robert N. Charrette

1 bibliography

1.1 roleplaying games , supplements
1.2 novels
1.3 sculpting

roleplaying games , supplements

knights of round table (illustrator, phil edgren, little soldier, 1976)


bushido: role playing adventure in feudal japan (with paul r. hume, tyr games 1979, phoenix games 1980, fantasy games unlimited 1981)
bushido book 1: heroes of nippon (phoenix games 1980, fantasy games unlimited 1981)
bushido book 2: land of nippon (phoenix games 1980, fantasy games unlimited 1981)
bushido adventure pack: valley of mists (fantasy games unlimited 1982)
bushido gamesmaster s screen (fantasy games unlimited, 1980)


aftermath! (with paul r. hume, fantasy games unlimited 1981)
aftermath! book 2, survivors of aftermath, player s guide post-holocaust world (with paul r. hume, fantasy games unlimited 1981).
aftermath! book 3 world of aftermath, gamemaster s guide post-holocaust world (with paul r. hume, fantasy games unlimited 1981).
aftermath scenario pack 1 ruins city of littleton (with paul r. hume, fantasy games unlimited, january 1981).


spacefarers guide alien races (with ed lipsett, phoenix games 1979)
spacefarers guide sector 1 (with ed lipsett, phoenix games 1979)
spacefarers guide sector two: rourke s diadem (with ed lipsett, phoenix games 1979)


daredevils: role playing action , adventure in two-fisted thirties (with paul r. hume, fantasy games unlimited inc. 1982)
daredevil adventures featuring deadly coin tosses (with j. andrew keith , stefan jones, june 1983)

the mines of keridav

demon pits of caeldo (with kerry lloyd, larry shade , v.m. wyman, gamelords 1983)

rules according ral

chaos wars: rules according ral (ral partha enterprises, 1985)


runequest: land of ninja (avalon hill, 1986).

shadowrun world

shadowrun - man meets magic , machine (with paul r. hume , tom dowd, fasa, 1989)


denizens of earthdawn (fasa 1994)

parroom station

skyrunners: martian aerial race system
valor & steel & flesh


battletech series—fasa, roc

heir dragon (battletech #1, august 1989, isbn 978-1555600952)
wolfpack (battletech #4, 1989, isbn 978-0451451507)
wolves on border (battletech #25, march 1989, reprint 1992 isbn 978-1555600877)

mechwarrior series—roc

initiation war (mechwarrior #4, december 2001, isbn 978-0451458513)

shadowrun series—roc, fanpro

never deal dragon (shadowrun #1, december 1990, isbn 978-0451450784
choose enemies (shadowrun #2, january 1991, isbn 978-0451451255)
find own truth (shadowrun #3, june 1991, isbn 978-0451450821)
never trust elf (shadowrun #6, june 1992, isbn 978-0451452207)
just compensation (shadowrun #19, november 1995, isbn 978-0451453723)

strange world of john reddy trilogy—warner books

a prince among men (book #1, september 1994, isbn 978-0446600378)
a king beneath mountain (book #2, april 1995, isbn 978-0446600385)
a knight among knaves (book #3, december 1995, isbn 978-0446600392)

chronicle of aelwyn trilogy—harper collins

timespell (book #1, march 1996, isbn 978-0061054983)
eye of serpent (book #2, september 1996, isbn 978-0061054990)
wizard of bones (book #3, april 1997, isbn 978-0061056031)

interstellar defense league (as richard fawkes) -- eos

face of enemy (1999)
nature of beast (2004)


fiore deie liberi’s armizare, chivalric martial arts system of il fiore di battaglia—freelance press (sept. 2011, isbn 978-0-9825911-7-8)


adina corporation, c-series (1978)
broadsword (1979)
fantasy games unlimited, gangsters! miniature series (fgu g01-04 - 1979)
fantasy games unlimited bushido miniature series (fgu n01-08, 1979)
fantasy games unlimited space opera starships , spacemen (fgu 1050, 1979)
ral partha enterprises macedonians in tom meier s hoplites, 1200 a.d. series (1984)
ral partha enterprises fantasy collector cs/02-xxx collector series (with tom meier, 1984)
ral partha enterprises 25mm samurai (1985)
ral partha enterprises 20th century plus, 20-xxx roaring twenties (1985)
ral partha enterprises runequest (with julie guthrie, 1985)
ral partha enterprises bushido series (1986)
ral partha enterprises battletech series (1986-1989)
ral partha enterprises mechwarriors series (1986)
grenadier models inc., star wars series (with julie guthrie, 1988)
grenadier models inc., lost lands series
grenadier models inc., shadowrun series
grenadier models inc., 15mm warlords series
lance , laser, villains , vigilantes (v&v10-27, sandra garrity, 2009 acquired team frog studios)
parroom station, llc., of mars , martians
parroom station, llc., victorian science fiction
parroom station, llc., victoriana
parroom station, llc., heroes of nippon (includes ral partha bushido line)
parroom station, llc., secret science
jeff valiant studios, tyrannosaur
em-4, oriental blades box set.
texas miniatures bushido
reaper, daimyo range (includes of texas miniatures range)
dark horse designs, robotech
dark horse designs, bill willingham s elementals
highlander studio, sculptor s choice
alderac entertainment group (aeg), clan wars series
alderac entertainment group (aeg), 7th seas series
battle honors, wwii germans , americans
lance , laser, villains , vigilantes, (with sandra garrity) renamed living legends in 1991. sold team frog industries in 2009.
gallo pewter

^ cite error: named reference designers invoked never defined (see page).
^ prince among men. voice of youth advocates dec. 1994: 284. general onefile. gale|a34350522. retrieved 23 oct. 2012.
^ forecasts: paperbacks. publishers weekly 241, no. 30 (july 25, 1994): 47. business source complete, ebscohost. retrieved october 23, 2012.


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