Literature Galician-Portuguese
galician-portuguese had special cultural role in literature of christian kingdoms of crown of castile (kingdoms of castile, leon , galicia,part of medieval nw iberian peninsula) comparable catalan language of crown of aragon (principality of catalonia , kingdoms of aragon, valencia , majorca, ne medieval iberian peninsula), or of occitan in france , italy during same historical period. main extant sources of galician-portuguese lyric poetry these:
the 4 extant manuscripts of cantigas de santa maria (written alfonso x wise, king of castile, leon , galicia 1252–1284)
cancioneiro da ajuda
cancioneiro da vaticana
cancioneiro colocci-brancuti, known cancioneiro da biblioteca nacional (lisbon)
cancioneiro dun grande de espanha
pergaminho vindel
pergaminho sharrer
os 5 lais de bretanha
tenzón entre afonso sánchez e vasco martíns de resende
the language used literary purposes final years of 12th century middle of 14th century in spain , portugal , was, without exception, language used composition of lyric poetry. on 160 poets recorded, among them bernal de bonaval, pero da ponte, johan garcia de guilhade, johan airas de santiago, , pedr amigo de sevilha. main secular poetic genres cantigas d amor (male-voiced love lyric), cantigas d amigo (female-voiced love lyric) , cantigas d escarnho e de mal dizer (including variety of genres personal invective social satire, poetic parody , literary debate).
all told, 1,700 poems survive in these 3 genres, , there corpus of on 400 cantigas de santa maria (narrative poems miracles , hymns in honor of holy virgin). castilian king alfonso x composed cantigas de santa maria , cantigas de escárnio e maldizer in galician-portuguese, though used castilian prose.
king dinis of portugal, contributed (with 137 extant texts, more other author) secular poetic genres, made language official in portugal in 1290. until then, latin had been official (written) language royal documents; spoken language did not have name , known lingua vulgar ( ordinary language , vulgar latin) until named portuguese in king dinis reign. galician-portuguese , português arcaico ( old portuguese ) modern terms common ancestor of modern portuguese , modern galician. compared differences in ancient greek dialects, alleged differences between 13th-century portuguese , galician trivial.
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