Artistic representations The Rape of the Sabine Women

1 artistic representations

1.1 edgar degas
1.2 giambologna
1.3 nicolas poussin
1.4 peter paul rubens
1.5 jacques-louis david
1.6 john leech
1.7 pablo picasso
1.8 charles christian nahl

artistic representations

many treatments of incident combined suitably inspiring example of hardiness , courage of ancient romans opportunity depict multiple figures, including heroically semi-nude figures, in intensely passionate struggle.

the rape of sabine women johann heinrich schönfeld

the subject popular during renaissance symbolising importance of marriage continuity of families , cultures. example of battle subject in artist demonstrate skill in depicting female male figures in extreme poses, added advantage of sexual theme. depicted regularly on 15th-century italian cassoni , later in larger paintings. comparable opportunity new testament afforded theme of massacre of innocents.

edgar degas

the rape of sabines (after poussin), c. 1861-1862

masters must copied on , on again, degas said, , after proving copyist should reasonably permitted draw radish nature. degas first received permission copy paintings @ louvre in 1853 when eighteen. interested in great works of italian renaissance , of own classical french heritage, hence detailed copy of poussin s painting.


16th-century italo-flemish sculptor giambologna sculpted representation of theme 3 figures (a man lifting woman air while second man crouches), carved single block of marble. sculpture considered giambologna s masterpiece intended nothing more demonstration of artist s ability create complex sculptural group, subject matter, legendary rape of sabines, had invented after francesco de medici, grand duke of tuscany, decreed put on public display in loggia dei lanzi in piazza della signoria, florence.

the proposed site sculpture, opposite benvenuto cellini s statue of perseus, prompted suggestions group should illustrate theme related former work, such rape of andromeda phineus. respective rapes of proserpina , helen mooted possible themes. decided sculpture identified 1 of sabine virgins.

the work signed opvs ioannis bolonii flandri mdlxxxii ( work of johannes of boulogne of flanders, 1582 ). preparatory bronze featuring 2 figures in museo nazionale di capodimonte in naples. giambologna revised scheme, time third figure, in 2 wax models in victoria , albert museum, london. artist s full-scale gesso finished sculpture, executed in 1582, on display @ galleria dell accademia in florence.

bronze reductions of sculpture, produced in giambologna s own studio , imitated others, staple of connoisseurs collections 19th century.

the abduction of sabine women, nicolas poussin, (1634–1635) (metropolitan museum of art)

the rape of sabine women, nicolas poussin, rome, 1637–38 (louvre museum)

nicolas poussin

nicolas poussin produced 2 major versions of subject, enabled him display full unsurpassed antiquarian knowledge, mastery of complicated relations of figures in dramatic encounter. one, @ metropolitan museum of art, executed in rome in 1634–35. depicts romulus @ left giving signal abduction.

the second version, of 1636–37, @ louvre museum, shows that, though of principal figures similar, had not exhausted subject. architectural setting more developed.

peter paul rubens

peter paul rubens painted version of subject 1635–40. @ national gallery, london.

jacques-louis david

the intervention of sabine women (1799).

jacques-louis david painted other end of story, when women intervene reconcile warring parties. sabine women enforcing peace running between combatants (also known intervention of sabine women) completed in 1799. in louvre museum.

david had worked on 1796, when france @ war other european nations, after period of civil conflict culminating in reign of terror , thermidorian reaction, during david himself had been imprisoned supporter of robespierre. after david s estranged wife visited him in jail, conceived idea of telling story, honor wife, theme being love prevailing on conflict. painting seen plea people reunite after bloodshed of revolution.

the painting depicts romulus s wife hersilia — daughter of titus tatius, leader of sabines — rushing between husband , father , placing babies between them. vigorous romulus prepares strike half-retreating tatius spear, hesitates. other soldiers sheathing swords.

the rocky outcrop in background tarpeian rock.

john leech

john leech s satirical version of rape of sabine women

the english 19th-century satirical painter john leech included in comic history of rome depiction of rape of sabine women, women portrayed, deliberate anachronism, in victorian costume , being carried off corona et ancora ( crown , anchor , common english pub sign in seafaring towns).

pablo picasso

pablo picasso visited theme in several versions of rape of sabine women (1962–63), 1 of in museum of fine arts, boston. these based on david s version. these conflate beginning , end of story, depicting brutish romulus , tatius ignoring , trampling on exposed figure of hersilia , child.

charles christian nahl

charles christian nahl painted subject in trio of works entitled abduction, captivity, , invasion.


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