References Gokana language

global linguistic database:gokana tower of babel project
brosnahan, l. f. (1964) outlines of phonology of gokana dialect of ogoni journal of west african languages 1(1): pp. 43–48
brosnahan, l. f. (1967) word list of gokana dialect of ogoni journal of west african languages 4(2): pp. 43–52
hyman, larry m. , comrie, b. (1981) logophoric reference in gokana journal of african languages , linguistics (leiden) 3(1): pp. 19–37
hyman, larry m. (1982) representation of nasality in gokana in hulst, harry, van der , smith, norval (eds.) (1982) structure of phonological representations part, 1 foris publishing, dordrecht, holland, isbn 90-70176-53-x
yan huang (2003) switch-reference in amele , logophoric verbal suffix in gokana: generalized neo-gricean pragmatic analysis in georgiafentis, m.; haeberli, e, , varlokosta, s. (eds.) (2003) reading working papers in linguistics volume 7, pp. 53–76, school of linguistics , applied language studies, university of reading, reading, uk
bond, oliver , anderson, gregory d. s. (2005) divergent structure in ogonoid languages in (2005) proceedings of berkeley linguistic society volume 31, berkeley linguistic society, berkeley, california


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