Biography Jacqueline Auriol

i live fly - auriol s autobiography

born jacqueline marie-thérèse suzanne douet in challans, vendée, daughter of wealthy shipbuilder, graduated university of nantes studied art @ École du louvre in paris.

in 1938, married paul auriol, son of vincent auriol (who later become president of france). during world war ii, jacqueline auriol, worked against german occupation of france helping french resistance.

she took flying in 1946, got pilot s license in 1948 , became accomplished stunt flier , test pilot. jacqueline severely injured in crash of scan 30 in passenger in 1949—many of bones in face broken—and spent 3 years in hospitals undergoing 33 reconstructive operations. occupy mind studied algebra, trigonometry, aerodynamics, , other subjects necessary obtain advanced pilot certification.

she earned military pilot license in 1950 qualified 1 of first female test pilots. among first women break sound barrier , set 5 world speed records in 1950s , 1960s.

on 4 occasions awarded harmon international trophy american president in recognition of aviation exploits. once explained passion flying saying: feel happy when m flying. perhaps feeling of power, pleasure of dominating machine beautiful toughbred horse. mingled these basic joys less primitive feeling, of mission accomplished. each time set foot on airfield, sense fresh excitement belong.

her life story told in 1970 autobiography live fly published in french , english languages.

jacqueline , husband divorced in 1967 , remarried in 1987. had 2 sons together. in 1983 became founding member of french académie de l air et de l espace.


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