Subscription libraries Library

the british museum established in 1751 , had library containing on 50,000 books.

at start of 19th century, there virtually no public libraries in sense in understand term i.e. libraries provided public funds , freely accessible all. 1 important library in britain, namely chetham s library in manchester, , freely accessible public. however, there had come being whole network of library provision on private or institutional basis.

the increase in secular literature @ time encouraged spread of lending libraries, commercial subscription libraries. many small, private book clubs evolved subscription libraries, charging high annual fees or requiring subscribing members purchase shares in libraries. materials available subscribers tended focus on particular subject areas, such biography, history, philosophy, theology, , travel, rather works of fiction, particularly novel.

unlike public library, access restricted members. of earliest such institutions founded in late 17th century england, such chetham s library in 1653, innerpeffray library in 1680, , thomas plume s library in 1704. in american colonies, library company of philadelphia started in 1731 benjamin franklin in philadelphia.

parochial libraries attached anglican parishes or nonconformist chapels in britain emerged in 18th century, , prepared way local public libraries.

the increasing production , demand fiction promoted commercial markets led rise of circulating libraries, met need subscription libraries did not fulfil. william bathoe claimed commercial venture ‘the original circulating library’, opening doors @ 2 locations in london in 1737. circulating libraries charged subscription fees users , offered serious subject matter popular novels, difficulty in distinguishing circulating subscription libraries.

biblioteka zaƂuskich, built in warsaw in mid 18th century

subscription libraries democratic in nature; created , communities of local subscribers aimed establish permanent collections of books , reading materials, rather selling collections annually circulating libraries tended do, in order raise funds support other commercial interests. though subscription libraries founded reading societies, committees, elected subscribers, chose books collection general, rather aimed @ particular religious, political or professional group. books selected collection chosen because mutually beneficial shareholders. committee selected librarians manage circulation of materials.

in britain, there more 200 commercial circulating libraries open in 1800, more twice number of subscription , private proprietary libraries operating @ same time. many proprietors pandered fashionable clientele, making ado sort of shop offered, lush interiors, plenty of room , long hours of service. these libraries called rental collections today.


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