Strength Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha

seat distribution in 16th lok sabha.

543 lok sabha constituencies

article 81 of constitution of india 1949 has specified maximum strength of members of parliament in lok sabha 552. total strength during in 16th lok sabha 545 against approved strength of 552. number of members of parliament distributed among states in such way ratio between number of seats allotted each state , population of state is, far practicable, same states. out of maximum permitted strength,

not more 530 members chosen direct election territorial constituencies in indian states.
not more 20 members represent union territories, chosen in such manner parliament of india may law provide.
not more 2 members anglo-indian community nominated president of india (if in opinion, community not adequately represented in lok sabha).
total permitted maximum strength of 552 members.

strength of member of parliament in lok sabha defined in article 81 of constitution of india ,

(1) subject provisions of article 331, house of people shall consist of

(a) not more 530 (five hundred , thirty members) chosen direct election territorial constituencies in states, and
(b) not more 20 (twenty members) represent union territories, chosen in such manner parliament may law provide.

(2) purposes of sub-clause (a) of clause (1),

(a) there shall allotted each state number of seats in house of people in such manner ratio between number , population of state is, far practicable, same states; and
(b) each state shall divided territorial constituencies in such manner ratio between population of each constituency , number of seats allotted is, far practicable, same throughout state:
(provided provisions of sub-clause (a) of clause shall not applicable purpose of allotment of seats in house of people state long population of state not exceed 6 millions.)

(3) in article, expression “population” means population ascertained @ last preceding census of relevant figures have been published:
(provided reference in clause last preceding census of relevant figures have been published shall, until relevant figures first census taken after year 2026 have been published).

(i) purposes of sub-clause (a) of clause (2) , proviso clause, reference 1971 census; and
(ii) purposes of sub-clause (b) of clause (2) reference 2001 census.

members of lok sabha

members of lower house of indian parliament (lok sabha) elected in indian general election, 2014 held in april–may 2014. total strength of 16th lok sabha 545, against approved strength of 552.

number of constituencies: 1951-2014

the following list of number of constituencies in lok sabha in each election year, beginning in 1951. numbers not include 2 seats anglo-indian community, individuals nominated president of india.


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