Ideology Left Renewal

1 ideology

1.1 social justice
1.2 grassroots democracy
1.3 peace , non-violence
1.4 environmental sustainability


left renewal launched official statement of principles in late december, 2016. mirrors 4 pillars foundation policies of australian greens , state greens branches, added emphasis on intersection between these pillars , critique of capitalism.

the group has made comment, through facebook posts, printed flyers, , other media, on issues such left populism, rise of jeremy corbyn, rape culture, carceral feminism, indigenous sovereignty, palestinian self-determination , apartheid state of israel, rise of modern fascism, australian housing crisis of 2010s, public school funding, raaf s participation in syrian conflict, refugee crisis , australia s refugee detention centres, penalty rates, , many other progressive issues.

social justice

the left renewal platform argues society s struggle social justice brings people irreconcilable conflict capitalist mode of production , other forms of class society, requiring them take strong stance on struggle of working class. understanding of working class extends past factory include home workers, sex workers, , others. promotes workplace organising , support union activity vital political activity, whether in syndicates or traditional union structures. part of this, group commits never undermining industrial action of workers, reference practice of scabbing on striking workers crossing picket-line. furthermore, group pledges join union of form in whatever place may work.

as part of social justice principle, group recognises need create alternatives , challenge authoritarian , exploitative economic models, argues must require socialising means of production. rejects idea society can changed through ‘good people’ gaining control of authoritarian , exploitative power structures, , individual changes personal consumption can create change. finally, outlines necessity take strategic concerns seriously. includes unity , solidarity on principle work should serve accomplish political goals, strengthen grassroots movements, build political consciousness, , lead world on path social transformation.

grassroots democracy

as part of group s interpretation of grassroots democracy pillar of party, statement argues participatory, democratic society embodied in organisation, through value organisation places on participatory self-management, through members having agency on decisions affect them, , through access resources on dependent in proportion degree affected. left renewal argues democracy must come people, not bureaucracy ; reference structure , function of faction, of party-at-large, , of society-at-large.

furthering critique of bureaucracy, argues can function mediator suppress radical change. such, , because of this, group supports rank-and-file control of unions , of greens. reiterating grassroots underpinning of pillar, outlines change can come below, not bureaucratic declaration , mediation. in terms of internal organising practices, left renewal states degree of tactical unity necessary in order have real collective influence. once decision-making has taken place, in participatory , democratic fashion, required members respect, implement , necessary, bind on organisation s democratic decisions. group states, quite simply, that, in unity there strength.

left renewal has argued, , actively organised, direct , democratic election of party s parliamentary leader. group in favour of leader-less national structure, greater agency invested in states allocate policy portfolios , other powers.

left renewal has been critical of greens practice of announcing election initiatives - policy ideas released in official election periods, , mandated align loosely greens policy. these approved senator s office, rather state branches or national council. has controversially been case richard di natale s sugar tax.

peace , non-violence

left renewal statement goes on outline violent , antagonistic relationship see between capitalism , workers. argued workers, waged or unwaged, people experience perpetual violence , violence must brought end. due this, group forthrightly claims, therefore fight bring end of capitalism. outlines believes capitalism relies on violent , authoritarian divisions within working class, such elitism, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, religious sectarianism, , ableism (among others); , abolition of these authoritarian relations people able create thriving movement capable of transforming society. due this, group feels there imperative challenge these wherever encounter it.

left renewal puts forward prosecution of peace requires explicit rejection of imperialism, , genocide upon depends. understands australia based upon act of genocide exists within broader framework of global imperialism. part of this, rejects artificial creation of borders, , supports liberation struggles of oppressed peoples sovereignty , land rights. group promotes rejection of class antagonism, , rejection of capitalism depends on rejection of state’s legitimacy , right of it, , apparatuses, impose oppression upon working class , oppressed people. this, argues, in order liberate working class , oppressed people. includes state-mediated oppression in of forms, , recognises violent apparatuses police force, not share interest working class .

left renewal has advocated aggressive tactics in pursuit of anti-fascist action, against police brutality, , in serving interests of indigenous australians, arguing these forms of self-defense , therefore equate legitimate forms of violence. has led condemnation more conservative elements of party, through richard di natale , party co-convenors.

environmental sustainability

finally, left renewal outlines approach environmental sustainability movement achieve climate justice, through forms of eco-socialism. heavily argued intersection between society , environment cannot separated, , internationalist perspective of climate justice needed recognises people part of global ecosystem irrespective of ethnicity, gender, or sexuality. logical conclusion this, group argues people can resolve climate change achieving climate justice; again, providing simple summation of, none of free, until free . follows on argument interests of environment, , working class, should never pitted against 1 another, , working toward transition in collaboration , alongside working class, needed in order uncover renewable world . statement concludes outlining solutions climate change cannot come green-capital partnerships, , top-down market solutions, must come people organising in workplaces , communities. such, group opposes consumer taxes, such ‘cap , trade’ mechanisms, , cross-class compromises big business , capital.


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