Graf pianos played by celebrated musicians Conrad Graf

franz liszt playing graf piano @ imagined gathering of friends. 1840 portrait commissioned conrad graf josef danhauser.

the famous virtuoso franz liszt, played graf pianos, must have been of thorn in herr graf s side, graf piano not capable of standing violence liszt inflicted on during more impassioned moments of playing. friedrich wieck wrote in diary in during liszt s 1838 visit vienna, heard liszt today @ conrad graf s sweating piano did not survive great duel—liszt remained victor. wieck described concert on same visit in liszt destroyed 2 grafs, erard piano lent him sigismond thalberg.

in 1840, graf gave 1 of firm s grand pianos gift young piano virtuoso clara wieck (friedrich s daughter), on occasion of marriage robert schumann. when schumann died in 1856, clara gave instrument friend johannes brahms, used work until 1873. donated gesellschaft der musikfreunde; today on display in kunsthistorisches museum in vienna.

during 1880s, young gustav mahler owned , played old piano, graf 1836. instrument housed in cobbe collection near guildford in england. collection s web site suggests mahler not afford better piano @ time.

other musicians owned or played graf pianos included friedrich kalkbrenner , camille pleyel.


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