Personal life Brian Nieves

nieves graduate of pacific high school in franklin county. in 1984, nieves enlisted in united states navy, serving ten years hospital corpsman, field medic alongside marines.

following military service, nieves returned franklin county. resides in washington, missouri wife, julie.

nieves host of morning talk radio show called patriot enclave on kwmo 1350 in washington, mo , functions kwmo s marketing director. , wife operate nieves enterprises , hwy 66 auto sales. additionally, nieves serves high school substitute teacher , zone pastor of living bread church. nieves speaks groups small business operations, concentrating in areas of professional development , team building. according southern poverty law center, nieves of bully. in august 2010, after winning senate primary, pulled gun on man worked opponent’s campaign. <>

in august 2010, nieves accused of assaulting opponents campaign worker, shawn bell, following contentious primary election nieves won, during visit bell nieves campaign headquarters while , campaign manager winding down campaign. nieves denied assault had occurred , campaign manager, present during entire visit bell, concurred denial. on september 10, 2010, franklin county prosecuter bob parks announced not seeking criminal charges against nieves, commenting not prove criminal act had occurred. shawn bell announced in statement still planned file civil lawsuit against nieves, while nieves told washington missourian ready forgive bell.


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