Enter Nestor Makhno Maria Nikiforova
nestor makhno (1918), future leader of free territory, still minor militia leader when first encountered nikiforova
when october revolution took place in russian empire, leftist dominated cities such huliaipole teetering on open civil war. there, anarchists gained strength appealing peasant enthusiasm revolution. upon invasion of ukraine red army, soviet of small city issued decree calling fighters join invasion overthrow ukrainian nationalists. hundreds of men, anarchists, formed black guard under nestor makhno , brother sava, , marched on alexandrovsk. under siege advancing red army forces north, makhno s anarchists east, , subversion nikiforova s black guards within, nationalist army retreated city on january 15, 1918. city shortly came under bolshevik control. makhno s forces arrived within days, altering balance of power in anarchist s favor.
with alexandendrovsk secured, nikiforova , new ally, nestor makhno, held meeting bolsheviks. backed black guards, duo negotiated become anarchist representatives in city s new revolutionary committee. @ beginning, maroussia , makhno have allied on common grounds of anarchism, , later maroussia has begun accuse nestor of ignoring anarchist ideas. called him bloody struggle against exploiters , ukrainian nationalism
nikiforova appointed position of assistant deputy, within weeks makhno stepped down in dissatisfaction group s lack of radicalism. pair operate independently military commanders in future, worked closely , pooled resources in pursuing anarchist revolution. makhno historian, michael palij, noted nikiforova exercised substantial influence upon makhno beginning of acquaintance .
in summer of 1917, anarchists unofficially held economic power in huliaipole, though due underground activity, officially power rested bolshevik backed soviet in city in august 1917, nikiforova seized , robbed military storehouse @ orikhiv, subsequently attacking, disarming , dispersing town s regiment , executing officers captured. however, rather pass these spoils red army, delivered makhno , own black guards. signaled end of nikiforova s loyalty committee , bolsheviks, though continue ally red army in battle.
she later established new black guard detachment in other cities, including elisavetgrad.
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