Notes 62nd Tennessee Infantry


bible, donahue (1995). persia piedmont: life , death in vaughn s brigade . dodson creek publishers. oclc 34622408. 
stewart sifakis. compendium of confederate armies: tennessee. facts on file, ny 1992 isbn 0-8160-2286-0
lindsley, john b. tennesseans in civil war . military annals of tennessee. nashville 1886.
scaife, james v. civil war, tennessee roll of honor. cornell university library, new york 1919
civil war centennial commission (1964). tennesseans in civil war: military history of confederate , union units available rosters of personnel 1. nashville, tennessee.
u.s. war department, war of rebellion: compilation of official records of union , confederate armies, u.s. government printing office, 1880–1901.


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