Literary career Klym Polishchuk

klym polishchuk

klym polishchuk s literary career began poetry. @ age of fifteen poem watching god s world (dyvliachys na myr bozhyi) published in volyn newspaper (1906). after first short story appeared in dzvinok magazine.

in 1914 klym polishchuk s first book, faraway stars (daleki zori), published.

in 1919, in kyiv, klym polishchuk joined other ukrainian authors such pavlo tychyna, yakiv savchenko, les kurbas, pavlo phylypovych, dmytro zahul, oleksa slisarenko, mykhailo ivchenko , mykhailo zhuk in establishing muzahet, literature , art group focused on characteristics of ukrainian national literature. in 1920 muzahet banned , of members later sentenced , executed.

thematically, klym polishchuk s prose works divided 2 major groups. first group consists of works incorporating ukrainian folklore , legends, including handful of earth: halychyna legends , treasure of ages: ukrainian legends. second group composed of historical stories , novels, featuring revolutionary (october socialist revolution) , war (world war i) events, such red mirage: essays , short stories of revolution period , otaman zelenyi.

klym polishchuk s literary style characterised artful application of symbolism , gothic elements.

major works

1921 – handful of earth: halychyna legends (‘zhmenia zemli: halytski lehendy’)

1921 – red mirage: essays , short stories of revolution period (‘chervone marevo: narysy opovidannia z chasiv revoliutsiyi’)

1921 – treasure of ages: ukrainian legends (‘skarby vikiv: ukrainski lehendy’)

1921 – voyenko

1921 – zvukolirnist (‘zvukolirnist’)

1921[?] – folk tale of palace (kazka palatsu)

1922 – crucified soul (rozpyata dusha)

1923 – huliaypole father (huliaypilskyi batko)

1923 – otaman zelenyi (otaman zelenyi)

1929 – polissya sounds (poliski shumy) (manuscript never published due author s arrest).

works translated english

polishchuk, k 2015, treasure of ages: ukrainian legends [skarby vikiv: ukrainski lehendy], trans. s chornomorets, sova books, sydney, original work published 1921


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