Politics Dean Willard

1 politics

1.1 behind scenes work
1.2 2010 campaign state representative
1.3 2011 campaign seattle port commissioner

behind scenes work

as member of 5th district democrats, s been district committeeman, , chairman of king county democrats endorsements committee. willard worked behind scenes on several campaigns including joe mallahan s recent seattle mayoral campaign. willard managed oregon democrat state rep. tim josi s 1990 political campaign, , served legislative assistant during freshman term 1991 session.

2010 campaign state representative

dean willard challenged incumbent, representative glenn anderson, position 2 in 5th legislative district on grounds constituents not represented in all-republican district. district has changed on last ten years since opponent first elected. platform issues includes tax reform , funding schools. has criticized current tax system over-reliant on sales taxes , regressive. has criticized business , occupation tax, calling unfair small businesses, , stated exemptions on property tax favor large businesses. willard says k-12 basic education in poor state due lack of proper funding. willard cites corporate , entrepreneurial experience means solve state’s ongoing budget crisis, stated goals of promoting economic development , improving public school system. willard endorsed 5th legislative district.

2011 campaign seattle port commissioner

dean willard running against incumbent bill bryant. walkin knedlik has withdrawn race. willard has endorsements 5th dems , 37th dems


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