Radio (1944–45) Orson Welles

the idea of doing radio variety show occurred welles after success substitute host of 4 consecutive episodes (march 14 – april 4, 1943) of jack benny program, radio s popular show, when benny contracted pneumonia on performance tour of military bases. half-hour variety show broadcast january 26 – july 19, 1944, on columbia pacific network, orson welles almanac presented sketch comedy, magic, mindreading, music , readings classic works. many of shows originated on u.s. military camps, welles , repertory company , guests entertained troops reduced version of mercury wonder show. performances of all-star jazz group welles brought show popular band became regular feature , important force in reviving interest in traditional new orleans jazz.

welles placed on u.s. treasury payroll on may 15, 1944, expert consultant duration of war, retainer of $1 year. on recommendation of president franklin d. roosevelt, secretary of treasury henry morgenthau asked welles lead fifth war loan drive, opened june 12 one-hour radio show on 4 networks, broadcast texarkana, texas. including statement president, program defined causes of war , encouraged americans buy $16 billion in bonds finance normandy landings , violent phase of world war ii. welles produced additional war loan drive broadcasts on june 14 hollywood bowl, , june 16 soldier field, chicago. americans purchased $20.6 billion in war bonds during fifth war loan drive, ended on july 8, 1944.

welles campaigned ardently roosevelt in 1944. longtime supporter , campaign speaker fdr, sent president ideas , phrases incorporated welles characterized less important speeches . 1 of these ideas joke in came called fala speech, roosevelt s nationally broadcast september 23 address international teamsters union opened 1944 presidential campaign.

welles campaigned roosevelt–truman ticket full-time in fall of 1944, traveling every state detriment of own health , @ own expense. in addition radio addresses filled in roosevelt, opposite republican presidential nominee thomas e. dewey, @ new york herald tribune forum broadcast october 18 on blue network. welles accompanied fdr last campaign rally, speaking @ event november 4 @ boston s fenway park before 40,000 people, , took part in historic election-eve campaign broadcast november 6 on 4 radio networks.

on november 21, 1944, welles began association best, cbs radio series briefly produce, direct, write , host (march 13 – april 24, 1945). wrote political column called orson welles almanac (later titled orson welles today) new york post january–november 1945, , advocated continuation of fdr s new deal policies , international vision, particularly establishment of united nations , cause of world peace.

on april 12, 1945, day franklin d. roosevelt died, blue-abc network marshalled entire executive staff , national leaders pay homage late president. among outstanding programs attracted wide attention special tribute delivered orson welles , reported broadcasting magazine. welles spoke @ 10:10 p.m eastern war time, hollywood, , stressed importance of continuing fdr s work: has no need homage , loved him have no time tears … our fighting sons , brothers cannot pause tonight mark death of him name given age live in.

welles presented special broadcast on death of roosevelt following evening: must move on beyond mere death free world hope , labor of life.

he dedicated april 17 episode of best roosevelt , future of america on eve of united nations conference on international organization. welles advisor , correspondent blue-abc radio network s coverage of san francisco conference formed un, taking place april 24 – june 23, 1945. presented half-hour dramatic program written ben hecht on opening day of conference, , on sunday afternoons (april 29 – june 10) led weekly discussion san francisco civic auditorium.


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