Testing Grumman XF10F Jaguar

xf10f jaguar

the jaguar s configuration presented many of same handling problems earlier bell x-5 experimental aircraft, vicious spin characteristics.

the jaguar s development hampered use of chronically unreliable westinghouse j40 turbojet, which, on other aircraft of period, made jaguar dangerously underpowered , prone various engine-related problems. j40 developed 6,800 lbf (30.2 kn) thrust rather anticipated 11,000 lbf (49 kn), , troubles proved insurmountable.

test pilot corwin corky meyer, pilot fly jaguar, described entertaining fly because there wrong it. examples of wrongness encountered meyer during test flight program included:

jamming of wing sweep mechanism hydraulic fluid congealed gelatinous state poor maintenance, resulting in substance consistency of jell-o . despite failure, aerodynamicist s assertion wing unsweep in case of mechanical failure proved entirely correct, meyer s relief.
regular inflight failures of equally experimental westinghouse xj-40 turbojet. reason unreliability within jaguar traced extraordinary case of sloppy manufacture, engine electronics box access panel had screw 5 in (127 mm) long mangling interior of delicate circuits within, in sharp contrast other 3 panel screws barely .4 in (10 mm) long.
the aerodynamically balanced canard-actuated pendulum elevator, ineffectiveness , poor contribution stability apparent in free-flight development models. instability dismissed model effect , proved fallacious judgement. initial fixes consisted of set of triangular horizontal fins on rear fuselage, grumman admitted defeat , retroactively fitted horizontal surfaces earlier grumman f9f cougar swept-wing fighter. time program nearing end, , @ stage unlikely u.s. navy adopt jaguar.
during flight canopy opened, , not closed, nor ejected either. @ same time, less-than-trustworthy engine began losing power @ alarming rate, but, due problems canopy, corky meyer not eject managed land safely. after flight aforementioned grossly oversized screw detected.

he found translating wing-sweep mechanism, similar bell x-5 s, (which more complicated 1 later adopted f-111, f-14 , panavia tornado et al.), feature worked flawlessly. navy not encouraged results, , development of larger carriers angled flight decks , steam-driven catapults made swing-wing configuration unnecessary.

the prototype xf10f-1 first flew on 19 may 1952. used 32 test flights throughout year, in april 1953, navy canceled program, , it, 112 production aircraft had been ordered. sole flying aircraft , uncompleted second prototype shipped naval air material center in philadelphia barricade testing, , static test aircraft later used gunnery target.


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