Work Henri Fayol

1 work

1.1 mining engineering
1.2 fayolism

1.2.1 functions of management
1.2.2 principles of management


fayol s work became more known 1949 publication of general , industrial administration , english translation of 1916 article administration industrielle et générale . in work fayol presented theory of management, known fayolism. before fayol had written several articles on mining engineering, starting in 1870s, , preliminary papers on administration.

mining engineering

henri fayol, ca. 1900

starting in 1870s, fayol wrote series of articles on mining subjects, such on spontaneous heating of coal (1879), formation of coal beds (1887), sedimentation of commentry, , on plant fossils (1890),

his first articles published in french bulletin de la société de l industrie minérale, , beginning in 1880s in comptes rendus de l académie des sciences, proceedings of french academy of sciences.


fayol s work 1 of first comprehensive statements of general theory of management. proposed there 5 primary functions of management , fourteen principles of management

functions of management

in original work,administration industrielle et générale; prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, controle, 5 primary function identified:

the control function, french contrôler, used in sense manager must receive feedback process in order make necessary adjustments , must analyze deviations. lately scholars of management combined commanding , coordinating function 1 leading function.

principles of management

while fayol came theories century ago, many of principles still represented in contemporary management theories.


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