Notable games Hou Yifan

on 25 january 2008, hou black beat gm gabriel sargissian (2676) of armenia, longtime second of levon aronian, in corus (group b) tournament, wijk aan zee, netherlands:

1. d4 e6 2. c4 nf6 3. nf3 b6 4. g3 ba6

queen s indian defense: fianchetto. nimzowitsch variation (e15).

5. qc2 bb4+ 6. bd2 be7 7. e4 d5 8. cxd5 bxf1 9. kxf1 exd5 10. e5 ne4 11. nc3 nxd2+

a novelty.

12. nxd2 qd7 13. kg2 nc6 14. qa4 0-0 15. rac1 f6?

16.nd1 nxe5 17.qxd7 nxd7 18.rxc7 bb4 19.nf3 +/−; better 15...rfd8.

16. f4 fxe5 17. dxe5 bb4 18. rhf1 rac8 19. ne2 nxe5 20. qxb4 nd3 21. qb3 nxc1 22. nxc1 rce8 23. nf3 qf5 24. rf2 c5 25. qd3 qe4 26. rd2 d4 27. qxe4 rxe4 28. nd3 re6 29. h4 rc8 30. a4 a6 31. nfe5 b5 32. a5 g6 33. rc2 c4 34. nb4 rf8 35. b3 d3 36. rd2 rc8 37. rd1 rd6 38. kf3 d2 39. bxc4 bxc4 40. nc2 c3 41. ke2 rd5 42. ng4 rxa5 43. nge3 rd8 44. rb1 ra2 45. kd1 rb2 46. ra1 rdb8 47. rxa6 rb1+ 48. ke2 rc1 49. rc6 re8 0–1

if 50.kd3, rxc2 follows. if 50.rxc3, d1=q+.


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