Demographics Mathur, Chennai

according 2011 census, mathur had population of 27,674 14,081 males , 13,593 females. total of 2,980 under age of six, constituting 1,607 males , 1,373 females. scheduled castes , scheduled tribes accounted 16.57% , .13% of population respectively. average literacy of town 80.41%, compared national average of 72.99%. town had total of 6886 households. there total of 10,160 workers, comprising 64 cultivators, 97 main agricultural labourers, 79 in house hold industries, 7,871 other workers, 2,049 marginal workers, 24 marginal cultivators, 99 marginal agricultural labourers, 77 marginal workers in household industries , 1,849 other marginal workers. there total of 17,514 non workers. per religious census of 2011, mathur had 84.40% hindus, 6.05% muslims, 8.72% christians, 0.17% sikhs, 0.02% buddhists, 0.09% jains, 0.05% following other religions , 0.39% following no religion or did not indicate religious preference.


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