Wednesday.2C August 31 Hurricane Katrina disaster relief

landing craft heads louisiana uss bataan

hsv-2 swift operated uss bataan.

the number of military units on duty in louisiana, mississippi, alabama , florida rose 8,300. joint task force katrina setting @ camp shelby, miss., defense department s focal point support federal emergency management agency s relief efforts.

the jtf katrina joint force maritime component command (jfmcc), under command of rear admiral joseph kilkenny, established @ naval air station pensacola oversee (1) maritime coordination of rescue operations , delivery of relief supplies entire gulf coast, (2) operational support fema , civil authorities requested, (3) coordination of u.s. , coalition maritime forces afloat, (4) coordination of naval aircraft tasking, , (4) restoration of naval shore facilities in gulf coast area. jtf katrina jfmcc later shifted new orleans upon arrival of uss iwo jima , deployable joint command , control djc2 operations center. uss iwo jima served presidential support platform, jtf katrina forward, , joint rescue coordination center while import new orleans. rear admiral kilkenny , staff later served jtf rita jfmcc providing support hurricane rita disaster recovery.
four mh-53 sea stallion , 2 hh-60 seahawk helicopters uss bataan flying medical-evacuation , search-and-rescue missions in louisiana, , bataan s hospital preparing possible use medical support. bataan, based out of naval station ingleside, texas, in waters off louisiana coast.
high-speed vessel hsv-2 swift, stationed in little creek, virginia, sailed waters off louisiana provide support.
the iwo jima amphibious readiness group preparing sail norfolk, va., loaded disaster response equipment , expected reach louisiana coast in 5 days, officials said. group consists of uss iwo jima, uss shreveport, uss tortuga , usns arctic.
the hospital ship usns comfort preparing leave baltimore bring medical assistance gulf region , expected reach area in 7 days.

superdome supplies, aug 31

first report of relief supplies delivered superdome.

the guardsmen remain under respective governors control, enables them provide law-enforcement support in affected regions—something posse comitatus act prohibits active-duty forces doing within united states.


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