Aftermath Acre Prison break
a monument along acre promenade commemorating break.
the new york herald tribune wrote underground had carried out ambitious mission, challenging far, in perfect fashion , while in house of commons, oliver stanley asked action majesty s government planning take in light of events @ acre prison had reduced british prestige nadir.
the jewish agency called break irresponsible suicidal act , while irgun commander menachem begin hailed act of heroism.
the 5 men blocking squads had been captured, avshalom haviv, meir nakar, yaakov weiss, amnon michaelov, , nahman zitterbaum, tried in british military court. haviv, weiss, , nakar sentenced death. michaelov , zitterbaum escaped death penalty due them being minors, , received life sentences. in response death sentences, irgun abducted 2 british sergeants, clifford martin , mervyn paice, , threatened kill them should british carry out death sentences. when british authorities did not relent , hanged three, irgun killed 2 sergeants , hanged bodies tree in eucalyptus grove near netanya. action credited being 1 of major catalysts eventual british withdrawal palestine.
the acre prison break, other operations had strong morale effect on yishuv , on fight foundation of israel. considered have damaged british prestige , sped foundation of unscop committee.
the operation marked monument on acre promenade.
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