Rugby and popular culture Rugby union in the United States

the popularity of rugby given minor boost when featured in fourth season of friends in episode 1 rugby, broadcast february 26, 1998. rugby featured prominently in 2008 movie forever strong. rugby prominent in film departed, virtue of being set in boston s irish community.

two recent u.s. presidents have played sport:

bill clinton. clinton developed interest in rugby in england, playing @ oxford. has been claimed played @ little rock rfc in arkansas, deny this. however, interest casual, , on third or fourth team. clinton s position lock.
george w. bush. bush keen player during high school , university, , on yale s 1st xv, , in 1968, part of win on harvard. bush s position fullback.
john f. kennedy: kennedy played harvard s team, along brother joseph.

^ cain, nick & growden, greg chapter 21: ten peculiar facts rugby in rugby union dummies (2nd edition), p297 (pub: john wiley , sons, chichester, england) isbn 978-0-470-03537-5
^ famous ruggers . retrieved 2016-10-25. 
^ stephanie esposito (2012-02-23). rugby, game presidents | chicago rucks . retrieved 2015-11-14. 


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