Works James Drake (physician)
1 works
1.1 tory controversialist
1.2 medical works
1.3 other works
in 1697 drake had share in well-known pamphlet called commendatory verses upon author of prince arthur , king arthur (richard blackmore).
tory controversialist
drake became known vigorous tory pamphleteer. new test of church of england s loyalty (1702) daniel defoe answered drake true englishman in necessary considerations, relating future elections of members serve in parliament (1702).
in 1702 drake published history of last parliament, written in tory interest of anthony hammond. accused whigs of contemplating new model of government , of traducing queen anne while princess. house of lords had been investigating report william had plotted secure succession crown elector of hanover. drake s pamphlet noticed in course of debate. confessed authorship , summoned before house of lords, ordered him prosecuted. tried , acquitted.
in 1703 published historia anglo-scotica, allegedly manuscript unknown author. offensive presbyterians , burnt @ mercat cross in edinburgh, 30 june 1703.
in 1704 joined henry poley, mp ipswich, in composing memorial of church of england, humbly offered consideration of true lovers of our church , constitution; involved william pittis. (in past anonymous work has been attributed pittis alone.) there answer, occasional thoughts (1705) on memorial, attributed william stephens. john toland paid write reply, memorial of state of england. defoe answered, also, high church legion, or memorial examined (1705).
this pamphlet gave offence duke of marlborough , godolphin, beginning separate tories. book presented libel grand jury of london on 31 august 1705, , burnt common hangman. queen mentioned in speech new parliament (27 october 1705). after voting church not in danger, both houses of parliament (14 december) requested queen punish persons responsible scandalous insinuations contrary. proclamation issued offering reward discovery of authors of memorial. printer made statement implicating 3 members of house of commons, poley, john ward iii, , sir humphry mackworth, stated pamphlet brought him 2 women, 1 of them masked, , printed copies delivered him porters, of whom arrested. no further discoveries, however, made.
drake escaped time, prosecuted following spring passages in mercurius politicus, paper of author. john hawles acted counsel, , fellow physician john radcliffe met legal costs. convicted (14 february 1706) of libel, there had been technical error , drake acquitted 6 november 1706. government brought writ of error; meanwhile drake had died. in 1706 drake had edited edition of leicester s commonwealth, preface.
medical works
veins of lungs, illustration drake s anthropologia nova (1707)
a medical treatise called anthropologia nova, or new system of anatomy, published before drake s death in 1707. in had collaboration of william cowper, both text , plates. contractually book legacy of project involving instead clopton havers, author of osteologia nova (1691), had died in 1702; , consequence used plates copied stephan blancard. drake s wife judith edited work , secured dedication henry somerset, 2nd duke of beaufort.
anthropologia nova reached second edition in 1717, , third in 1727. edited william wagstaffe, , popular publication of william cheselden s anatomy. drake had in theory of acquired immunity smallpox, taken clifton wintringham.
drake s orationes tres on medical subjects printed in 1742, preface edward milward. contributed paper concerning influence of respiration on action of heart philosophical transactions.
other works
drake wrote sham lawyer, or lucky extravagant (adapted john fletcher s spanish curate , wit without money), acted in 1697 , printed, according title-page, damnably acted @ drury lane . said have written antient , modern stages reviewed (1700), 1 of replies jeremy collier, , prefixed life works of tom brown (1707).
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