November, December, and January 2006 2005 Atlantic hurricane season

hurricane epsilon viewed international space station

tropical activity declined season wound down. tropical storm gamma formed on november 15 in central caribbean, , degenerated tropical wave before reforming. although storm dissipated on november 20 after having made landfall in northern honduras, rainfall gamma caused 41 deaths in honduras , belize.

tropical storm delta formed in eastern atlantic on november 23; approached never attained hurricane strength. delta became extratropical on november 28 shortly before striking canary islands @ full force, causing 7 deaths , toppling el dedo de dios, famous land formation on gran canaria.

hurricane epsilon formed tropical storm on november 29 in hostile environment in middle of atlantic. reached hurricane strength on december 2 , defied forecasting persisting on week before dissipating.

tropical storm zeta became final storm of season when formed on december 30, 6 hours short of tying record of hurricane alice of 1954 latest-forming named storm in season. zeta dissipated on january 6, 2006, having become longest-lived january tropical cyclone in atlantic basin history.


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