The battle Battle of Hattin

movement of troops battle (crusader kingdom of jerusalem in black , muslim in green). fontaine- (spring). djebel- (mount). tiberiade- (tiberias). lac de tiberiade- (lake tiberias).

on july 3 frankish army started out towards tiberias, harassed muslim archers. passed springs of turan, entirely insufficient provide army water. @ midday raymond of tripoli decided army not reach tiberias nightfall, , , guy agreed change course of march , veer left in direction of springs of kafr hattin, 6 miles (9.7 km away). there march down tiberias following day. muslims positioned between frankish army , water franks forced pitch camp overnight on arid plateau near village of meskenah. muslims surrounded camp closely cat not have escaped . according ibn al athir franks despondent, tormented thirst whilst saladin s men jubilant in anticipation of victory.

throughout night muslims further demoralized crusaders praying, singing, beating drums, showing symbols, , chanting. set fire dry grass, making crusaders throats drier. crusaders thirsty, demoralized , exhausted. muslim army contrast had caravan of camels bring goatskins of water lake tiberias (now known sea of galilee).

battle of hattin (gustave doré)

on morning of july 4, crusaders blinded smoke fires set saladin s forces. ayyubid army arrayed in 3 divisions: centre under saladin, right under nephew al-muzaffar umar (taki ad-din) , left, commanded gökböri. franks came under fire muslim mounted archers division commanded gökböri, had been resupplied 400 loads of arrows had been brought during night. gerard , raynald advised guy form battle lines , attack, done guy s brother amalric. raymond led first division raymond of antioch, son of bohemund iii of antioch, while balian , joscelin iii of edessa formed rearguard.

thirsty , demoralized, crusaders broke camp , changed direction springs of hattin, ragged approach attacked saladin s army blocked route forward , possible retreat. count raymond launched 2 charges in attempt break through water supply @ lake tiberias. second of these enabled him reach lake , make way tyre.

after raymond escaped, guy s position more desperate. of christian infantry had deserted fleeing in mass onto horns of hattin played no further part in battle. overwhelmed thirst , wounds, many killed on spot without resistance while remainder taken prisoner. plight such 5 of raymond s knights went on muslim leaders beg mercifully put death. guy attempted pitch tents again block muslim cavalry. christian knights , mounted serjeants disorganized, still fought on.

now crusaders surrounded and, despite 3 desperate charges on saladin s position, broken , defeated. eyewitness account of given saladin s 17-year-old son, al-afdal. quoted muslim chronicler ibn al-athir:

when king of franks [guy] on hill band, made formidable charge against muslims facing them, drove them father [saladin]. looked towards him , overcome grief , complexion pale. took hold of beard , advanced, crying out give lie devil! muslims rallied, returned fight , climbed hill. when saw franks withdrew, pursued muslims, shouted joy, have beaten them! franks rallied , charged again first time , drove muslims father. acted had done on first occasion , muslims turned upon franks , drove them hill. again shouted, have beaten them! father rounded on me , said, quiet! have not beaten them until tent [guy s] falls. speaking me, tent fell. sultan dismounted, prostrated himself in god almighty , wept joy.


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