Terrestrial Smooth Island (Tasmania)
short-tailed shearwater , little penguin colonies, smooth island.
smooth island home wide range of native australian birds. recorded breeding seabird species little penguin (eudyptula minor), little pied cormorant, black-faced cormorant, great cormorant , short-tailed shearwater (ardenna tenuirostris). latter predominantly habitates inland western southern coasts. following native birds occupy island: tasmanian nativehen , forest raven. pacific gull occupies island. survey department of environment (australia) in 2010 revealed presence of eurasian skylark (alauda arvensis), house sparrow (passer domesticus), common pheasant (phasianus colchicus), common starling (sturnus vulgaris) , common blackbird (turdus merula) on island. presence of sea eagle, wedge-tailed eagle, kelp gull, tern, silver gull, oystercatcher, cormorant , gannet species have been described. no reptiles have been recorded on island apart small population of blue tongue lizards. hooded plover (thinornis cucullatus) threatened species may present on smooth island.
the island has been classified drooping she-oak (allocasuarina verticillata) forest, despite having relatively sparse foliage. large macrocarpa have been identified around remnants of old cottage on north-east coast. eucalyptus globulus , allocasuarina striata (small bull-oak) present on island. marrubium vulgare weed has been identified towards island s north. occasional blackberry bushes have been identified near southern peak , southern shoreline. kangaroo apple found along southern shoreline. island s fire attributes medium flammability, low sensitivity .
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