Space-flown numismatic items NASA space-flown Gemini and Apollo medallions

a 1957-a $1 silver certificate short-snorter flown on freedom 7 alan shepard.

a 1953 $2-bill carried on gemini 3 , signed gus grissom , john young

numismatic souvenirs have accompanied astronauts on every spaceflight. mercury astronauts carried small light-weight mementos on missions, in form of coins or banknotes. on first sub-orbital flight (mercury-redstone 3), alan shepard carried him 4 one-dollar silver certificates subsequently signed him, other mercury astronauts, , support staff becoming short snorters. john glenn, piloting first manned u.s. orbital spaceflight mercury-atlas 6 carried several one-dollar silver certificates.

space-flown numismatic items known gemini missions. on first manned gemini flight (gemini 3), grissom , young brought 50 two-dollar bills. young made history smuggling contraband on board flight, in form of corned-beef sandwich.


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