Lycaenidae List of butterflies of Maryland

1 lycaenidae

1.1 lycaenini
1.2 theclini & eumaeini
1.3 polyommatini


american copper, lycaena phlaeas
harvester, feniseca tarquinius
bog copper, lycaena epixanthe
bronze copper, lycaena hyllus

theclini & eumaeini

gray hairstreak, strymon melinus
white m hairstreak, parrhasius m-album
banded hairstreak, satyrium calanus
hickory hairstreak, satyrium caryaevorus
edward s hairstreak, satyrium edwardsii
king s hairstreak, satyrium kingi
striped hairstreak, satyrium liparops
northern oak hairstreak, satyrium favonius ontario
coral hairstreak, satyrium titus
red-banded hairstreak, calycopis cecrops
brown elfin, callophrys augustinus
henry s elfin, callophrys henrici
frosted elfin, callophrys irus
hoary elfin, callophrys polios
eastern pine elfin, callophrys niphon
great purple hairstreak, atlides halesus
juniper hairstreak, callophrys gryneus
hessel s hairstreak, callophrys hesseli
early hairstreak, erora laeta


eastern tail-blue, cupido comyntas
silvery blue, glaucopsyche lygdamus
appalachian azure, celastrina neglectamajor
dusky azure, celastrina nigra


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