Berlin sessions Achtung Baby

the initial recording sessions took place @ berlin s hansa studios in late 1990 in former ss ballroom.

morale worsened once sessions commenced, band worked long days not agree on musical direction. edge had been listening electronic dance music , industrial bands einstürzende neubauten, 9 inch nails, young gods, , kmfdm. , bono advocated new musical directions along these lines. in contrast, mullen listening classic rock acts such blind faith, cream, , jimi hendrix, , learning how play around beat . clayton, more comfortable sound similar u2 s previous work , resistant proposed innovations. further, edge s interest in dance club mixes , drum machines made mullen feel contributions drummer being diminished. lanois expecting textural , emotional , cinematic u2 of unforgettable fire , joshua tree, , did not understand throwaway, trashy kinds of things on bono , edge working. compounding divisions between 2 camps change in band s longstanding songwriting relationship; bono , edge working more closely together, writing material in isolation rest of group.

 —the edge, on recording of 1

u2 found neither prepared nor well-rehearsed, , ideas not evolving completed songs. group unable reach consensus during disagreements , felt not making progress. bono , lanois, in particular, had argument came blows during writing of mysterious ways . during 1 tense session, clayton removed bass guitar , held out bono, saying, tell me play , ll play it. want play yourself? go ahead. sense of going nowhere, band considered breaking up. eno visited few days, , understanding attempts deconstruct band, assured them progress better thought. adding unusual effects , sounds, showed edge s pursuit new sonic territory not incompatible mullen s , lanois desire hold on solid song structures . ultimately, breakthrough achieved writing of song 1 . while working on sick puppy —an version of mysterious ways —the edge played 2 separate chord progressions sequentially on guitar @ lanois encouragement, , finding inspiration, group improvised new song became 1 . provided reassurance , validated long-standing blank page approach writing , recording together.

u2 returned dublin christmas, discussed future , recommitted group. listening tapes, agreed material sounded better thought. briefly returned berlin in january 1991 finish work @ hansa. reflecting on time in berlin, clayton called sessions baptism of fire , said, had go through realize trying not find physically, outside of ourselves, in other city—that there not magic , had put work in , figure out ideas , hone ideas down. although 2 songs delivered during 2 months in berlin, edge said in retrospect, working there had been more productive , inspirational output had suggested. band had been removed familiar environment, providing described texture , cinematic location , , many of incomplete ideas revisited in subsequent dublin sessions success.


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