Technical details ISU Judging System
1 technical details
1.1 technical panel
1.2 judging panel
1.3 elements
1.4 component factoring
1.5 protocol details
1.5.1 base values , abbreviations of common elements
1.6 in ice dancing
technical details
technical panel
under isu judging system, technical marks awarded individually each skating element. competitive programs constrained have set number of elements. each element judged first technical specialist calls specific element marking judging panel. technical specialist uses instant replay video make final verifications; e.g. exact foot position @ take-off , landing of jump. decision of technical specialist determines base value of element. technical specialist , assistant work alongside technical controller verifies decisions , inputs technical deductions such falls, elements or illegal elements.
judging panel
the judging panel composed of 9 judges , 1 referee. each judge gets elements sent computer technical panel marking. panel award mark grade of execution (goe) integer -3 +3. goe mark translated value using scale of value (sov) table published regularly isu communications. goe value 9 judges averaged using trimmed mean procedure, discarding highest , lowest values , averaging remaining seven. average value (which can positive or negative) added base value panel s score element. judges mark program components — skating skills, transitions/linking footwork, performance , execution, composition , choreography , finally, interpretation , timing. these components marked on scale of 0.25-10 0.25 increments , averaged using same trimmed mean procedure. judges have power input majority deductions such music violations, , costume/prop violations. referee inputs other deductions such time violations, interruption in excess , costume failures.
the number , type of elements in skating program depends on event , on level of competition. @ senior international level, single , pairs short programs contain 8 technical elements. actual 8 elements detailed single skaters in isu rule 310. each skater must attempt 1 combination jump, 2 solo jumps, 3 spins, , 2 skating sequences. 8 elements required senior pairs short program include 2 lifts, 1 side-by-side jump, 1 throw jump, 1 side-by-side spin, 1 pair spin, 1 step sequence, , 1 death spiral (isu rule 313).
senior level free programs have 14 elements pairs, 13 elements men, , 12 elements ladies. details of elements given isu rules 520 , 521 (2008 version). pairs 4 lifts, 4 jumps, 3 spins(including 1 death spiral), 1 step sequence, , 1 spiral sequence. men 8 jumps, 3 spins, 1 step sequence, , 1 choreographic step sequence. ladies 7 jumps, 3 spins, 1 step sequence , 1 spiral sequence. note: beginning 2010-2011 season, choreographic step sequence , spiral sequence replaced choreographic sequence.
component factoring
the panel s points each program component multiplied factor depending on event. singles , pair skating, factor uniform components:
the factors in ice dance different each component , depend on dance type.
protocol details
following event, complete judges scores published in document referred protocol. there specific notations used on protocols.
if skater attempts more allowed number of type of element in program, element still described , called such technical controller, receives base value of 0 goe of 0, regardless of how judges may have marked it. on isu protocol sheets, elements have been nullified denoted asterisk ( * ) next element name. in free skating, jumps executed twice solo jumps, second jump marked +rep , receives 70% of base value. jump elements performed after halfway point of program marked x , receive 10% bonus added base value. if jump has been called having unclear take-off edge marked ! , should receive -1 -2 goe depending on severity; jump has been called having incorrect take-off edge (for example, inside edge on lutz jump take-off), jump marked e , should receive -2 or -3 goe depending on severity. jumps underrotated marked < or << depending on degree of turns completed on ice instead of mid-air. < indicates jump had less ½ turn more ¼ turn completed on ice, reduces base value 70% of original value. << indicates severe underrotation (½ turn or more), , jump valued if had 1 less rotation (e.g. triple receive value of double)
jumps done in combination or sequence marked single element, base mark equal sum of base marks individual jumps. however, combination or sequence can downgraded (marked +combo (combinations in short program) or +seq (combinations , sequences in free skate)), in case sum of base values of jumps reduced 80%.
base values , abbreviations of common elements
the following list of common elements.
the level of spin or footwork sequence denoted number following element abbreviation. number of rotations on jump denoted number preceding element abbreviation. example, 3a denotes triple axel, while slst4 denotes level 4 straight line step sequence. chst , chsq step sequences , spiral sequences have no level , fixed base value.
in ice dancing
ice dancing judging similar pairs , singles, uses separate set of rules , table of values. in compulsory dance, steps specified , elements defined each dance subsets of prescribed steps. compulsory dance only, there no program component score given transitions , choreography. instead there timing (ti) program component exclusive compulsory dance, leaving 4 program components in compulsory dance. in original dance there 5 marked technical elements. in free dance, there 9 marked technical elements. unlike singles , pair skating, different program components weighted differently in each segment of competition. highest factored component(s) in each segment skating skills , timing in compulsory dance, interpretation in original dance, , transitions in free dance. exact values of these factors listed in isu rule 543.1k.
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