First World War: orator and propagandist Horatio Bottomley

front page of daily mirror, 10 september 1915, illustrating bottomley s public meetings on behalf of war effort

bottomley misread international crisis developed during summer of 1914. after murder of austrian archduke franz ferdinand on 28 june in sarajevo, allegedly serbian complicity, john bull described serbia hotbed of cold-blooded conspiracy , subterfuge , , called wiped map of europe. when britain declared war on central powers on 4 august, bottomley reversed position, , within fortnight demanding elimination of germany. john bull campaigned relentlessly against germhuns , , against british citizens carrying german-sounding surnames—the danger of enemy within persistent bottomley theme. on 14 september 1914 addressed large crowd @ london opera house, first of many mass meetings @ deployed trademark phrase, prince of peace, (pointing star of bethlehem) leads on god —words according symons moved many hearts. @ great war rally @ royal albert hall on 14 january 1915, bottomley in tune national temper when proclaimed: fighting worst in world, product of debased civilisation .

during war, in self-appointed role spokesman man in street , bottomley addressed more 300 public meetings, in parts of country. recruitment rallies provided services free; others, took percentage of takings. influence enormous; writer d. h. lawrence, detested bottomley, thought represented national spirit , might become prime minister. in march 1915 bottomley began regular weekly column sunday pictorial. on 4 may, after sinking of lusitania, used column label germans unnatural freaks , , called extermination. britain s war effort, maintained, being hampered squeamish politicians; reserved particular venom labour party leaders, keir hardie , ramsay macdonald, opposed war, , demanded tried high treason. macdonald s riposte—to label bottomley man of doubtful parentage had lived life on threshold of jail —backfired when latter published macdonald s birth certificate showed labour leader himself illegitimate.

although government wary of bottomley prepared make use of influence , popularity. in april 1915 chancellor of exchequer, david lloyd george asked him speak shipworkers on river clyde, threatening industrial action. after bottomley s intervention strike averted. in 1917 visited front in france, after dining field-marshal haig considerable success troops, later when visited grand fleet @ scapa flow. hoped these morale-boosting activities lead formal government position, although time time there rumours of cabinet post, no appointment announced. in later stages of war bottomley regular critic of national war aims committee (nwac), cross-party parliamentary body formed in 1917 revitalise britain s commitment victory , underline justice of cause. bottomley described committee dodge doctoring public opinion , , in january 1918 told lloyd george, had become prime minister in december 1916, nwac had failed in purpose , should replaced director of propaganda—but no avail.

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